Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Big Kahuna

Hurricane Bill has really help with the Boogie Boarding this weekend. We had to drag the girls out of the water...wait a minute, I had to drag my husband out of the water. We are really trying to squeeze every second we can out of our time at the beach. Tomorrow we are headed home (Pennsylvania) to do the final preparations for school which starts on Monday. The girls have their classroom assignments, we need to food shop, get their first week of clothes in order, etc... I am so sad to see summer come to a close. Sigh........ I am back to running...looks like rest and proper footwear was all I needed!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Since, I stopped working outside the house I have been running a lot...you may remember the inspiration to run my first 5K Well, now I have a few 5K's under my belt and I recently decided to set a half marathon as a goal. I found one in Cleveland on October 11...hit two birds with one stone, visit friends and plenty of time for me to train. I have lined up some other races for late summer to help with training. I was feeling great, increasing my mileage, doing different workouts all under the watchful eye of my trainer/husband. MBM is super supportive and encouraging...his exact words, "You can do this no problem...as long as you don't get hurt." My thoughts, "hurt? whatever!" Guess what?..I am hurt. My left foot has really been bothering me the past 3 weeks or so. I did a 5K on Sunday and OUCH!!!! So, my trainer has me taking the week off. We don't know what is wrong but here are some contributing factors...I primarily run on the beach in the hard sand, I wear flip flops all day, every day except when I am bare foot walking around in the dry sand. I am hoping to be back to training by Monday...keep you fingers crossed for me!

Catching Up

Our summer is quickly coming to a close. Our schedules are jam packed for the next two weeks, with parties, fundraisers, baby shower, and quick trips home to prepare for the first day of school. When we are not scheduled to be somewhere we can be found at the beach or checking things of our "Things To Do This Summer List"! Last week, C and E went to lacrosse camp...of course they loved every second of it! The week was full of drills, scrimmages, games, and contest... Caroline...not a bad spot to play...right on the bay. Emma and partner in a balloon toss contest. Caroline running with the ball Emma defending...as usual my girls are so much smaller than everyone else! Caroline won "Camper of the Day"on Wednesday and Emma won "Camper of the Week" Lots of fun! Lulu and I did some fun things when they girls were at camp...rode or bikes up to the boardwalk, went to the book store, gave each other pedicures, etc...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Duathlon for Emma

Emma's second race for the summer. A kid's duathlon, 3/4 mile run, 3 mile bike, 3/4 mile run...all in the rain! Smiling as she ran by her cheering section Perfect dismount...she has watched A LOT of her dad's races Heading toward the Finish Line Next race...Labor Day Weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rain at the Beach

That is the forcast for today...what's a girl to do? Really, what are four girls to do? Back to school shopping, of course!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blogging from the Beach...

...is hard! While there is so much to share, sitting inside blogging always losses to getting to the beach, bike riding with the girls, reading on the porch, cocktails with friends... To put it mildly...WE ARE HAVING A BLAST AND WILL NEVER SPEND ANOTHER SUMMER IN PENNSYLVANIA! This is our little beach house...it is old and little but, I LOVE IT! This picture was a gift from the previous owners...that is our little house second to the left. The house all the way to the left is the only other old house still remaining n the street...I have been dying to get inside. We are the fourth family to own the house...here is a brief history... ...1904 Land was sold by Ludman for $400 (The Island is also known as Ludman Island)to the Woerff family with he understanding a house would be built ...1905 Woerff family built the house ...1920's Woerff sold the house to the Adler family, two generations of Adlers owned the house ...1977 the Fitzgerald family bought the house ...2005 We knocked on the door one afternoon in May 2005 and bought the house over iced tea and a handshake This is our first summer living in the house...so far so good!