Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Thanks to Kerry you are going to learn some strange things about me! Random Fact #1. I have a HUGE freckle on my bottom lip that looks like I don't wipe my mouth...pretty! Random Fact #2. I have never told any family or friends about my is just for me! Of course my husband knows...he caught me working on it! Random Fact #3. I bought my wedding dress of the rack for $ shoes where $500...I LOVE shoes! Random Fact #4. I live in fear of someday running into a girl I went to high school with 17 years ago...she beat me up...yes, can you believe that? The whole time I was shouting "Stop hitting me!!!" I am not a fighter! Random Fact #5. I dream of living at the beach. Random Fact #6. I spend way too many hours in my studio...lots of the time I am not even working! Random Fact #7. When my husband does the laundry I refold all my clothes...if he reads this he may stop doing the laundry! Random Fact #8. I have several unfinished projects going on around the of these days I will complete them!

Your turn....

One: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

Two: You need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names/pseudonyms/blogs.

1. Meg at My Little Cottage 2. Melissa from Perfectly Pink 3. Britt at Tickled Pink 4. Emily at Suburban Momma 5. Kimba at All Things Kimba 6. Bethy/Homedaisy at Cottage Bethy 7. Libby at A Study of Schoolbooks and Shoes 8. Megan from Megan in Maine


Libby said...

I think #2 is a good policy. It's a bit odd when everyone knows and reads. I find myself starting all my stories with "I don't know if you already read about this on my blog, but" And, I think it was Quinn who pointed this out, if the person did already read about it then I lose the floor in terms of story sharing and if they didn't read about it then they just feel guilty about not keeping up with my posts. Not good either way.

Thank you for the tag, I will play. :)

Meg said...

I totally refold stuff when Man folds it. Or when anyone else folds it. Glad to know I'm not the only OCD-er out there.

Sisters with Style said...

I haven't told anyone about my blog either. It's my thing, you know? Your husband does laundry? Nice.

tulipmom said...

My husband is also the only person who knows about my blog ... sort of strange but I like it that way.

The shoes costing more than your dress reminds me of a skirt I recently bought for dirt cheap then spent twice that amount to have it altered. I guess it all evens out in the end.

PaperCourt said...

I ditto #1. A guy in high school asked if I had dip on my lip. "Dip? No it's a damn freckle!"

Momma2girls said...

I gotta say I think #7 was the best!!!

k e r r y said...

I bought my wedding dress from J.Crew and this was before they started selling wedding dresses! It was a long white linen (yes linen) sleeveless number. We were married at a marina in Annapolis so it was perfect.

I also had a bully beat me up in junior high (if you call one punch beating me up) - I just walked away from her and insisted my parents call the police on her. She never talked to me again after that... but she still scares the shit out of me! ha!

Meg said...

Sorry I'm so late on this! But thanks for the tag. I'm going to get on it right away.

Meg said...

P.S. Like your list. Can't believe someone beat you up. That's terrible!