Thursday, July 10, 2008

In My Dreams

While MBM and I were at the shore and the kids were occupied with my in-laws, we went on a little excursion. Sometime in the next few years we would like to tear down our old beach house and build the house we hope to have forever. We both have lots of idea...I have been keeping a binder full of ideas for years.

Things I see in magazines and catalogs get torn out, labeled, slipped into a plastic sleeve, and filed into the binder. I also keep an "beach house" file on my computer for ideas I find online. Once we get underway, I am pretty sure I will be an architect's worst nightmare.

Anyway, off we went armed with my camera. Here are a few that we love!

This place is a monstrosity...ours would be done in miniature. We loved everything about this house except the red roof.

This is a more practical size, probably still too big for our lot. This is MBM's favorite!

I am a door snob...I have seen a lot of gorgeous houses with UGLY front doors!
This in right up my alley!

This is my favorite! The picture is HORRIBLE and does the house no justice!
I love the color, the brick, the porches, the real shutters with hinges and hold it!!!

Here it is from the back/side, we had to go around the corner to get a better look. Just look at those shutters and porches!!!!!!!
We thought about buying the bikes for sale out front just to get a closer look and perhaps ask to use the restroom to get inside! But, we wimped out!



Preppy Lizard said...

I love that you have something I would have. I have a folder with ideas and pictures of my dream country home! The houses you took pictures of were BEAUTIFUL! I am so jealous!!!

Anonymous said...

OH i love that house. i want to live THERE. so beautiful! great blog! i enjoyed reading through it. i have a giveaway every friday, so be sure to swing by and enter sometime this weekend!

The 5 Bickies said...

Love the houses you chose. I love great front doors, real shutters, and the wonderful colors. What a great idea to keep a folder!

Suzanne said...

They are all beautiful, hopefully someday your dream will come true!

Beth said...

I love beach houses! I'd choose to live in a beach house every day of my life...I hope it happens! Hope you get your beach house too!

dmmlandcruiser said...

I want to curl up on those porches with a cold drink and a book!