Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I guess I am it...Thanks Kerry! Fourth of Fourth...fourth picture from your fourth picture folder, write about it and tag four more people! May 3, 2005...Caroline and Emma's Dance Recital Emma was five on that day, Lulu 2 1/2, Caroline six, and our friend Emily... Feels like a million years ago...they are so not dancers anymore. They have traded in their slippers and tutus for cleats and lacrosse sticks...and I could be happier! Looking forward to seeing...Fourth of Fourth from some local gals! RED Alex Prepadelphia Biscuts


The 5 Bickies said...

Thanks for the tag!
Fun to play along.

RED said...

ha! what fun! I'll definetely play sometime today! your girls are so cute!
Go Phils!

k e r r y said...

Cute! Time does fly doesn't it?

Belle said...

So cute!

Preppy in Philly said...

I just noticed that you tagged me (sorry I am way late), thanks! What is Fourth of Fourth?